22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Live, work, drill

So there are machinations likely to lead toward some form of natural gas drilling within the City of Pittsburgh proper.  Even with horizontal drilling it may seem odd that anyone would try to develop in such a dense urban area, but it has been part of the big gas play since early on as I myself received little notes from the land man years ago (with a promotion at a Pirates' game no less... btw have updated the tracker fwiw).  As it turned out, I was not alone.   Will more of those notes be coming to city residents in the near future?

I just hope they call 'One Call' before they dig.

Still looking for the first consumer residing in the city with a true arms-length purchase and use of a natural gas auto.  Just one. Whomever is/was/will be that person deserves a news story don't you think? First as in current first assuming of course there was a period without any such person.  I know in the past there were some folks with NatGas vehicles, but we are trying to discern if there is any new trend here at all.

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