Yourinvestment in GlobalPittsburgh will help us continue the momentum that we havebeen building in our three core programs:
- Hostinginternational delegations through the U.S. Department of State and otherprogramming organizations, and encouraging ongoing economic, educational and cultural linkages betweenthese visitors and our community.
- Workingwith area colleges, universities and English Language programs to attractinternational students to the region through our Study Pittsburgh initiative.
- Arranginghomestays and connecting international students and professionals withPittsburgh families and individuals, companies and organizations through ourGlobalPittsburghCONNECT events and activities.

Please keep GlobalPittsburgh in mind as you plan youryear-end giving. We appreciate your support of our programs, which providesvaluable benefits and international contacts for the companies, organizationsand people of the Greater Pittsburgh Region. Our work relies on having the technology to communicate and sendinformation to hosts, professional resources, and visitors in our region andthroughout the world.
Donations can always be made to GlobalPittsburgh by going to www.globalpittsburgh.org and clicking on SUPPORT GLOBAL PITTSBURGH on the right side of the home page and using our secure credit card payment system.
And what better way to join or give the gift of a GlobalPittsburgh membership than on the Oct. 3 Day of Giving? If you join or buy a gift membership on that day, your membership will extend until the end of 2013 (a two-month bonus). Just let us know after you make your on-line contribution.
Our wish list:
Digital Projector– We often need a digital projector to make presentations to visitingdelegations in our office or to outside groups to convey information orpublicize GlobalPittsburgh and regional activities. We currently have to borrowa projector or check with hosts to see if they have compatible equipment. Owningour own digital projector would enhance the quality of services we provide tovisiting delegations, and reduce staff time spent coordinating the use ofthird-party equipment.
GlobalPittsburghBanner – We would like to have a large (6 feet long), heavy-duty,all-weather banner with the GlobalPittsburgh name and web address to use atevents where we may have a table and need to draw attention to our location. Thiswould help us increase our visibility and improve our ability to serve thecommunity.
GlobalPittsburgh FloorDisplay Sign – We would like to have a roll-up floor display sign tohighlight our services and benefits to use at events where we may have a presence.This would help us increase our visibility and improve our ability to serve thecommunity.
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