In this article, we will review the three standardtechniques to change behavior and how they may be applied to voting.
To change behavior, we need to make the behavior
1. Makeit easier
If voting was a retail transaction, it would go bankrupt.What if Starbucks required registration, provided few places to buy, and thenrequired customers to wait in a long line. Once customers reached the baristathey needed to prove they were Starbucks customers. To increase voting weshould borrow from the retail masters.Voting That Fits Voter’s Habits
Voting for many is decided closer to election day. A handfulof states have eliminated registration or allow same day registration. Stateswith Election Day Registration have consistently higher turnout than states thatrequire hyper-organization. [2]
More evidence on the impact of registration is the fact thatthose who do not move and hence do not need to re-register, vote more often.
Pre-registering voters is a technique used in Germanyand Finland. Compared to other European countries, they enjoy higher thanaverage turn-out. Pre-registering works because it is a form of “opt-in”; aclassic change management tool that was popularized by Thaler and Sunstein intheir book Nudge.
A longer voting period also increases convenience andreduces peak load so lines are shorter.
It is also an example of socialsupport which will be discussed later.
2. IncreaseMeaning

Similarly advocacy groups encourage voter turn-out byfocusing voters on an issue where their vote could sway the outcome.
To further increase the value of each citizen’s vote, manyhave advocated eliminating the electoral college and counting the popular votedirectly.
Rational allocation of districts is another tactic to increaseparticipation. We need to avoid gerrymandering which increases the oddssignificantly for one party or the other and distorts the voting process. [4]
3. Add SocialSupport
Role Models RulePeer Pressure Works
Although the Swiss approach does not fit our culture, itsuse of peer signaling has merits.

Analogous to earbuds, the “I voted” sticker could be used tosignal that voting is a social norm. Stickers have been handed out after votingfor years, but unless the individual voted early and wore with pride, then hisfellow citizens would not benefit from his good example. Switching fromstickers to social network badges that would accrue for each election wouldmake voters more visible. [6]
Tear Down Barriers
For me, voting is already easy, compelling and sociallysupported. I vote using an absentee ballot. Since I move infrequently, I rarelyneed to bother with registration. As a naturalized citizen I feel a specialhonor to vote. Discussion of the issues withfriends and family reinforces my commitment.But what about those voters whose circumstances make votingdifficult? We can use these simple and low-cost change management techniques to“Get Out The Vote!”
But total adult population alsoincludes ineligible voters such as felons and noncitizens. Ineligible voters grew from 2 to 10% duringthe period when voting supposedly declined.
When Dr. Michael McDonald, aprofessor of public affairs at George Mason University, used eligible votersrather than total adult population, he found that voter turn-out heldsteady. Read more at Dr. McDonald's website >>
Although the decline is over-hyped,we can still do better than 55 to 60% of eligible voters.
2. Increase in voting where pre-registering iseliminated
3. Votingcenters located conveniently increases participation. Read more at Science Daily >>
4. “Winnertake all” holds down voting
5. TheSwiss experiment to use peer pressure to encourage voting. Read the paper [PDF] >> In addition, U.S. researchers dida similar experiment with good results. Read the article at Political Science Mag >>
6. Socialmedia to signal voting. Read more at Biz Report >>
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