Started at the Bastille with S and R. Passed by a man in a small boat on the Ohio River with two remote control aircraft, an R/C J-3 Cub on floats and an R/C helo on floats. He was operating his aircraft on the river. Inevitably, these hobbyists who originally occupied this 'space' will be swept up in the new regime and be considered drone operators, which may be nominally correct but completely misses the spirit of both activities.
Went downtown, saw the new MLK mural which is ostensibly a takeaway from the One Young World summit.

Went out to 901 Liberty Avenue at Seventh to see a mural that I had erroneously thought was long gone, another Sprout Fund mural:

My sixth coffeeneuring expedition of the 2012 Coffeeneuring Challenge:
drink: A cortado, two shots espresso cut with two shots of milk
coffee shop: 21st Street Coffee and Tea. Really a nice space, very open air.
location: 2002 Smallman Street, Pittsburgh PA
date: 10/25/2012
mileage: 20 miles
ride details: Rode with S. and R. Downtown, two murals, Squill, SoSide, Thick Bikes, Bastille. S completed her 7th coffeeneur today.
Departed and rode to Bloomfield, took advantage of the sidereal angle to take another photo of the flying Grandma, and just in case you think Grandma's don't count, yesterday no less than the Atlantic Monthly said Grandmothers extend human longevity Mr. Smarty Pants.
Rode Fifth Avenue, Carlow College, Murray Avenue, stopped at 61C for a nosh, then reversed via Forbes and Schenley Park which is a route I have not seen before but R and S knew it well. Descended through Junction Hollow to Swinburne Street, Hot Metal Bridge, and rode over to Thick Bikes so I could pick up a coffee cup holder for my handle bars - I had to have one.
Continued north to Station Square, Ft. Pitt bridge, Ft. Duquesne bridge, and back to the Bastille where the cars were still there. 20 miles on a glorious day.
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